Beer Soap Giveaway!

We are so excited about this giveaway!

We’ve partnered up with Melanie from Home Brewed Soaps to give one lucky winner the chance to enjoy their beer in the shower with a bar of freshly made Sexy for him beer soap.



This is a masculine, earthy scented soap that features notes of cedar, frankincense, lemongrass, and myrrh – and it’s all backed by some amazing home brewed beer!

Beer Soap - Handmade For Men

Beer soap is made by adding actual home brewed beer to the soap making process. The unique foam, lightness, color, and therapeutic benefits of beer add something really amazing to the soap making it an experience to look forward to! And if you’re wondering, you won’t smell like beer after your shower… the fragrance is all about the masculine essential oils added to the mix.

Handmade Men's Beer Soap

Ingredients include: Saponified ( lye & oils mixing) oils of Olive , Castor, Coconut, Avocodo, Shea Butter, lemongrass, cedar sage, frankincense & myrrh essential oils, Home brewed amber ale. Bar is approximately 3.5 oz in size.


To get your name in this amazing drawing, just use the simple entry form below…

Contest begins on Monday January 13, 2014 and we’ll be announcing a winner on Monday January 20, 2014 via email!



Visit Home Brewed Soaps on Etsy and ‘favorite’ their shop for 10 special entry points! Here’s how to do it…

>>> Visit Home Brewed Soaps on Etsy <here>

>>> Look for the ‘favorite’ icon with the heart and click it to favorite!


>>> Make sure to mark it off on the entry box below to get your 10 special entry points!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

While you’re waiting for the winner to be announced, head over to the Home Brewed Soaps shop on Etsy to see what’s in stock! Etsy members who hit the heart button and ‘favorite’ their shop are eligible for a 10 extra entries!

>>> Home Brewed Soaps

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